
Apr 1, 2018

30 Days of Discrimination Towards WOMEN

Corporate Culture of toxic hostility towards women makes the case for ratification of the #EqualRightsAmendment. Misogynistic attitudes towards women such as this could not exist if women were protected under the Constittution.

This internal sales memo from 2016 was probably my #1 deciding factor in going into business for myself & addressing Income Inequality for Women.

This Memo greeted me in Email on my FIRST DAY working for this man telecommuting working from the safety of my own home - and I got punched in the nose by the MAN I was working for.

His Memo ran from April Fools Day - to April 15th: Income Tax Day. Did he just "attack the girls???"


Yes he did.

The phrase "No Taxation Without Representation" springs to mind.

This is WHY we need the Equal Rights Amendment & WHY we need more Women in Elected Office.