
Jan 19, 2019

Intersectional Feminism & the ISMs

Sexism is every bit as hurtful as Racism. How are WOMEN to blame for the hours in the day? The TIME on the clock? We're not. It is Scapegoating WOMEN. Blaming the VICTIM.

And it needs to stop.

So today is the 3rd Women's March & I have decided to sit this one out.

For years, long before the "Official Women's March" announced their official platform dubbed the "Women's Agenda" of Intersectional Feminism, this term has been used by many of the women's groups I follow.

Intersectional Feminism is very dis-heartening especially for White Women.

The theory of Intersectional Feminism states that women of color face the same Misogyny that all women are subjected to, but goes on to state that they face additional hardships due to the color of their skin.

So here is the whole Key to EQUALITY: PEOPLE ARE INDIVIDUALS.

When we describe a WOMAN.

When we describe a PERSON.

When we describe a MAN.

When we describe an INDIVIDUAL, why are those descriptions most often based on physically descriptive characteristics?

When describing an INDIVIDUAL, instead of saying white, brown, black, how about nice, thoughtful, caring, smart, intelligent & so forth?

I feel like the phenomenon of LABELING, with the good intentions of politically-correct INCLUSION, has done more to deepen the divide.

Does it matter what color a person is? If they are LGBTQUI (whatever happened to just plain LGBT) any other other of the LABELS we put on INDIVIDUALS.

This weekend in Houston will be jam-packed with events beginning with the the Women's March this morning, the Houston Marathon tomorrow (a RACE) followed by MLK Day events on Monday.

Amid all of the controversy with RACING, locally, our Houston march has been re-branded, now calling themselves "Houston Women March On."

This apparently arising from accusations of the "IMSs" showing up in the form of AntiSemitism within the Women's March Leadership with one of the main leaders being a Muslim WOMAN.


Women's March Creator Theresa Shook

Houston Women's March 2017

Houston Women's March 2018

Learn to treat PEOPLE as INDIVIDUALS.

Learn to treat PEOPLE with RESPECT.

Learn to speak with Emotional Intelligence.

Get "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office" here