
Jun 3, 2019


People are INDIVIDUALS & no one INDIVIDUAL is single-handedly responsible for their respective language. Hillary Clinton has written a lot of books, but I’m pretty sure the Dictionary isn’t one of them, nor is the Bible.

PEOPLE are Individuals.

PEOPLE are Individuals.

PEOPLE are Individuals.

I have a close personal female friend that breaks my heart every time I go into my Facebook News Feed & read her posts.

It is filled with AMENS.

In Spanish.

While I am Christian, I am not Catholic but have come to respect many Catholic rituals & traditions: like all those Hail Marys.

I would like to look my friend in the eye & say “Amiga. You are my friend. My FEMALE friend in ANY LANGUAGE – English, Spanish – you are my FRIEND. I am a WOMAN. You are a WOMAN. Can I get a couple Hail Mary’s to go with all those AMENS you keep posting?”

When we apply our EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE to our interactions with the PEOPLE in our lives, we CAN BE NICE IN ANY LANGUAGE.

We recognize that INDIVIDUALS are NOT responsible for their Individual actions & we DON’T HOLD PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE LANGUAGE.

Because I’m pretty sure the Virgin Mary was present at the Birth of Christ.



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