- D0056B3133DDD94191D4AE5BE740D63C Equality Equals Peaceful Coexistence of INDIVIDUALS
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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Equality Equals Peaceful Coexistence of INDIVIDUALS

In general, women are the peacemakers of society. I know I am. I have always been about peace, love & flower power.

Not the kind of maniacal power of a subservient group rising up & giving the other guy “a taste of his own medicine.” That is retaliation & there is nothing peaceful about retaliation. Retaliation is the kind of “eye for an eye” vengeful vindictive behavior that doesn’t solve anything.

How did Women, White Women in particular, become the scapegoats being blamed for the English Language???

Women's Equality, Equal Rights Amendment


How would my fellow Democrats answer the question, “Why didn’t you Vote for Hillary Clinton?”


I’m waiting for an answer…..



…..That’s what I thought.


Let’s work together to fix what is broken in this country.

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